Whistleblower reporting center
In accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), Naturana Dölker GmbH & Co Kommanditgesellschaft has set up an internal reporting office to record reports of legal violations in the professional environment. This law protects natural persons who become aware of violations in the course of their professional activities and forward this information to the designated reporting office.

Who are whistleblowers?
The German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) initially covers all people who have obtained information about violations in their professional environment. Whistleblower can therefore be any person who notices a violation in the course of their professional activity and reports it, e.g. employees, applicants, suppliers, customers or their employees).
What types of reports can be made?
Reportable offenses are listed in Section 2 of the HinSchG. It is a matter of
- Criminal offenses
- Administrative offenses (related to the protection of life, limb and health as well as the protection of employees)
- anti-constitutional statements by officials
- Violation of money laundering law
- Violation of environmental protection regulations
- Data breaches
- Violation of product and food safety
- Violation of quality and safety standards for medical devices and drugs
- Violation of consumer rights
- Tax fraud
How is the procedure?
Whistleblower reports via internal reporting channels (e-mail, post, online form).
The report is viewed and checked by the internal reporting office.
We will send you a confirmation of receipt within seven days of receiving your notification. If you have decided to report anonymously, this step is not necessary.
The information is processed promptly and appropriately. Within 3 months of confirming receipt of your report at the latest, we will inform you about any follow-up actions planned or already taken and the reasons for them, unless you have chosen to report anonymously.